In this post, I will show you how to install and enable ssh on
What is the use of SSH?
Let consider your Ubuntu machine is connected to your home WiFi
router. Now you want to access the Ubuntu terminal in your Windows machine
which is also connected to WiFi router.
By default in Ubuntu SSH server is not installed. So you have to
install the openssh package. Once you install the openssh package it
automatically enables the ssh server on your Ubuntu machine.
Execute the below comments
Install the openssh package
$ sudo apt-get install
openssh-server -y
After successful installation restart the ssh
$ sudo /etc/init.d/ssh
If you want to change the default settings, such as the default
port. edit the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file:
$ sudo vim
To check the ssh, go to your windows machine run putty.exe
Connect to your Ubuntu machine through ssh.